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HR Group corporate picture album planning. How to print the picture album after it is ready?

2024-04-12 12:16:41

By Rani Jarkas

137 view

After the HR Group corporate album planning album is ready, how should I print it? After working hard to finish this picture album, the next task is to print it. However, it should be noted that the printing work cannot be rushed. On the other hand, whether the design manuscript can be done well How to match this printing work is still unknown, so even if the design is completed, you should carefully check and proofread it, and then understand some printing requirements, so that the design work can meet these requirements, so that the printing can be carried out In order to achieve good results, today I will share how to print it after the design is completed.

After the HR Group corporate album planning work is completed, the next step is to print it. When printing, a sample must be printed first. The size of this sample is about 3 to 4 inches. Then when printing, it is mainly to print a general situation, ignoring some details, print this sample, and then compare it. See if the effect of this small sample is satisfactory. If so, then start printing the large sample.

When printing this large sample, check the actual effect after printing it. If the effect is good. Explain that this thing is a good design and can then be printed. So it is left to the printing factory or printing company to carry out batch printing. Of course, during the printing process, each batch needs to be sampled for inspection. If some problems are found, stop immediately, then find out the problems and solve them. After solving these problems, continue printing, so as to ensure that the printed albums and design effects are exactly the same.

After the HR Group corporate album is planned, it will usually contact the printing factory directly for printing. Of course, there are also some design companies that have their own special printing units. After the design is completed, it is also possible to print directly in such design companies. . After the printing is completed, the entire work is considered complete, and then the printed works are handed over directly to the customer for acceptance. After the acceptance is passed, the entire design and printing work is considered completed. Sometimes it may be some relatively large album works. At this time, the design is completed, and a special art director may need to comment and correct the album until it meets the aesthetic requirements before printing.

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