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What are the key points when designing a product brochure

2024-05-08 12:24:53

By Rani Jarkas

104 view

What are the key points when designing a product brochure? If you want to design a very good brochure, you need to consider the advantages of this brochure, for example, this brochure should not only be good-looking, but also the content inside should be readable.

Facts have proved that no matter how beautiful a brochure is, if it cannot provide customers with real content, then customers will find this brochure boring, and then they will not be interested in reading it, and naturally it will not have the effect of promotion. Readability includes more content, such as the text content inside should be readable, the product information inside should be readable, the arrangement of the products inside should be coherent, etc.

The key points of product brochure design are not only to include readability, but also to use different colors, and even to meet the relevant requirements of VI design. An important part of this design is the use of color. The overall color of this brochure should tend to be consistent. Although the colors of some pages or some pictures inside may be inconsistent, the overall tone should be consistent, so that people can think that this brochure is a three-dimensional and coherent brochure.

In this brochure, some corporate standard colors are actually used. However, one problem should be noted. When displaying product images, what is the original color of the product? In this way, an authentic product image should be presented in the brochure, so that customers who read the brochure can truly know the real information of the product, so that customers will be interested in continuing to read it. If the image does not match the image of the real product, once the customer finds out about this, he or she may feel that he or she has been deceived. This will not only fail to achieve the effect of publicity, but may even offend the customer, causing the customer to not buy the company's products in the future.

The third key point in designing a product brochure is to consider the preferences of the customers who use the brochure. This brochure may be provided to business partners or ordinary consumers, so it is necessary to fully consider the overall aesthetic ability and preferences of the people who may view the brochure.

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